Why are more companies launching product lines around low-dose cannabis? Find out in this video.
Does cannabis actually relieve stress? This video considers the stress relieving effects of cannabis as it interacts with our body’s stress reaction system: the hypothalamic pituitary...
The first steps in growing cannabis is to germinate the seeds. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this.
As California works to differentiate its cannabis industry with state certification of cannabis and appellations, Mary Beth Albright travels to Sonoma Hills Farm for a cannabis-and-food...
Many women face problems regarding their menstrual cycle and this is no other than the dreaded menstrual pain. Menstrual pain can come in many forms, often...
Marijuana has actually been used in spiritual, religious traditions throughout the ages. It is actually mentioned in numerous sacred texts of world religions. Probably the origins...
If you’re thinking of ways to use marijuana topically, is making it in into a soap a good option? Find out the pros and cons of...
Cannabis is rapidly becoming one of the most known substances that help individuals cope with mental health issues such as stress and anxiety. How exactly do...
With cannabidiol showing potential in treating cancer, let’s find out how CBD for lung cancer can help. Keep reading. Throughout the years, cannabidiol has been found...
The effects of cannabis are caused by chemical compounds in the cannabis plant, including 400 different cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),[1] which allow its drug to...