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Cannabis Blogs

Reaching New Audiences: Cannabis in the Age of Social Media



The cannabis industry is undoubtedly one of the hottest topics just about anywhere you look today. After all, while it is an ever-evolving landscape that calls for prevalence, decriminalization, legality, and accessibility, especially towards the public, there is still very much a stigma surrounding the use of this plant and other cannabis products on the market. Often, cannabis brands and companies get a bad reputation for conjuring images of lawlessness and regulatory abandon, as well as the perennial stoner archetype that seeks to lump cannabis culture into one tight category. Alongside the continuing fight against prejudices, cannabis products and businesses have grappled to maintain relevance and presence in the public eye through the various social media platforms. Besides furthering the discussion on the current political climate and economic realities surrounding businesses, medical marijuana and healthcare, and of course, criminal justice, the social networks of today stronghandedly help transform the way we see, think, and consume these cannabis products. The shift from traditional marketing and advertisement to social media allowed organizations to break barriers and reach more audiences than they can ever imagine. Gone are the days when individuals and businesses solely relied on word-of-mouth marketing or even brick-and-mortar establishments. Today, social media platforms have set a revolutionary approach to marketing and they are certainly not going back.

Cannabis in Social Media Networks

Perhaps the three most influential and powerful social media networks of all time are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. All three generally command a strong following and provide a community for discussions, and recently, for selling products. For a cannabis brand, however, even these platforms may appear restricting, what with the numerous restrictive rules and regulations and place. As a matter of fact, for many marijuana companies, the life in these platforms can be quite gruesome, and truth be told, a different kind of warfare. Apart from the cutthroat competition, the complex algorithms of these platforms also make it a tough landscape to navigate. One wrong move – whether it be a post that “violates” community standards and whatnot – can get followers removed from accounts, or worse, accounts being disabled. These algorithms can make or break a brand, from followers seeing content churned out by firms to content being closely monitored to closing accounts entirely. Despite these, all three platforms, particularly Instagram, has served as a revolutionary marketing tool that allowed businesses to thrive and reach new heights. Although these cannabis businesses aren’t exactly permitted to operate businesses on social media, they have come to carve their own niche in these spaces. To continue reaching audiences organically, cannabis products and related content must adhere to community rules and standards, such as putting age restrictions. With e-commerce out of the picture for those in the marijuana industry, businesses in this category have taken to fresher and more innovative approaches to attract consumer interest and to grow sales. Case in point? Highlighting lifestyle and education, rather than simply erring on traditional promotional and retail techniques. While there certainly are restrictions in place, there is no surprise that Instagram remains king in marketing. It has become an essential platform for building a cannabis presence and increasing engagement. Not to mention, this also serves as a gateway for getting and bartering goods. Instagram, after all, has become synonymous for curating beautiful images that tell a story, thereby driving consumers to connect to the growing interest towards cannabis culture and vise versa. One study even shows that despite the restrictions of this Facebook-owned network, cannabis advertisements are still very much prevalent, and have been, in fact, responsible for the increase in cannabis use and interest, including in younger generations. While Instagram is definitely at the top of the social media marketing game, that is not to say the other platforms are not doing its thing. More than anything, Twitter is serving as an avenue for conversation and dialogue surrounding the various issues the cannabis industry faces. Twitter is also at the forefront of sharing news and all the latest happenings. Some social media sites are entirely dedicated to Cannabis and CBD businesses Meanwhile, Reddit provides different insights towards the growing interest in stocks, as well as the place to come for more (in-depth) community talk. Meanwhile, YouTube is not behind these platforms, with the video-sharing and content page providing clips and videos of various topics – from growing your marijuana plants, cleaning your CBD vape pen and even reviewing CBD beauty products.

Branching Out to Other Media Sources

Apart from the aforementioned social networking sites, other platforms are also joining the trend and the advocacy of not only legalizing marijuana, but also decriminalizing it. While the majority of the states in America today have legalized the use and selling of this plant, there is still much push against its federal restrictions. One of the biggest names in the media industry that you can come across is Netflix. This streaming giant has become a household name in the past few years thanks to the extensive collection of titles under its name. In the past few years, Netflix has helped bring cannabis-centric televisions shows and documentaries closer to the people. One of the more provocative yet downright enlightening shows that center on marijuana is Grass is Greener. More than tackling the war on drugs, this documentary film explores the racial injustices that are still deeply rooted in the United States and its relation to the plant. Just this 2020, Netflix produced yet another original creation, Cooked with Cannabis, this time attempting to destigmatize the plant by providing viewers with an elevated dining experience. This show emphasizes the artful and creative interpretation of THC and CBD oil creations in food. Other marijuana documentaries that are worth giving a shot is The Culture High, with Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Joe Rogan, and Sir Richard Branson all participating in one hilarious and deeper insight on the drug. Kid Cannabis is also a beautiful and real-life representation surrounding the use of this plant. Meanwhile, HBO is not far from Netflix, with the network having its own High Maintenance comedy series attract thousands, if not millions, of viewers. Disjointed has also seen millions of viewers get hooked with its content on HBO. Ronin, on the other hand, has taken cannabis media consumption to a whole new level – dedicating a streaming service entirely for this plant and other CBD oil-related content. Some of the highly controversial and engaging shows that people can watch are Marijuana Mania and Pot Pie. Even established publications such as the likes of Playboy are using their platform to help change the current landscape. In many ways, these once traditional pillars of publishing, advertisement, and entertainment are now calling for a new kind of advocacy or awareness. In a recent op-ed, Playboy called for the legalization, decriminalization, and destigmatization of cannabis. Alongside their fight towards cannabis law reform, the brand has kicked off a mentorship and advocacy campaign that assists the underserved and underrepresented entrepreneurs within the cannabis industry. Another prominent figure that is challenging mainstream media and gearing to put cannabis into the limelight is David Hershkovits. Known for establishing Paper Magazine and a writer for different publication with the likes of GQ and Vanity Fair, Hershkovits is now using podcast closer to the people through this Light Culture segment in partnership with Vancouver’s Burb Cannabis. Other podcasts that are worth listening to if you have the time is Blunt Blowin’ Mama. This is primarily women-led and centered on moms and who consume cannabis products, which is certainly a breath of fresh air on its own.

How to Know More About Cannabis Culture

Given that the cannabis landscape is constantly changing and expanding, you might want to also grow your knowledge on the various issues and concerns tackled today. If you are interested in appreciating cannabis on your feed and furthering your insights, below are cannabis-focused social media sites and pages to check out:
  • Plants Before Pills
Plants Before Pills is an online publication which provides a great resource on all the latest events and happenings on all things cannabis. They deliver high-quality educational content and stories – from news articles to how-tos ane everything else in between. This is one resource you can find on IG, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • High Times Magazine
No stranger to us, this is arguably one of the most significant and transcendent online marijuana-centric publications around the globe. It lends timely news surrounding the plant, as well as a wealth of other topics such as enjoying cannabis and CBD products, politics, features, and many others.
  • Old Pal Provisions (@oldpal on Instagram)
Old Pal Provisions is a cannabis company that offers a number of quality artisan goods ranging from clothes, paraphernalia to good old marijuana itself. Rather than going the more popular route and tapping influencers, this brand surely carves its own path by working with people who truly identify with cannabis culture. Old world, groovy meets edgy, modern visuals, Old Pal succeeds in standing out from its competitors by putting up a series of posts that seemingly create a poster-like appearance. More than its eye-catching visuals, the brand is worth a visit because it continually supports and promotes causes – from the feminist movement to the recent Black Lives Matter movement.

The Bottom Line

The prevalence of cannabis in the age of social media shows that there is a high demand for content and connection with the culture. With these platforms, you can definitely immerse yourself in the movement and learn more about the plant and the culture surrounding it.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in these blog posts is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The use of any information provided in these blog posts is solely at your own risk. The authors and the website do not recommend or endorse any specific products, treatments, or procedures mentioned. Reliance on any information in these blog posts is solely at your own discretion.


5 Ways To Enhance Peace Of Mind



Finding peace of mind can feel like an elusive goal in a world filled with constant stimuli and obligations. However, by incorporating simple yet effective practices into your daily routine, you can cultivate a sense of tranquility and inner calm. Here are five ways to enhance peace of mind:

Embrace Herbal Remedies:

  • Harness the power of nature by incorporating herbal remedies into your lifestyle. Kratom headache (Mitragyna Speciosa), native to Southeast Asia, is one such botanical marvel known for its calming properties. Available in various forms such as powdered extract or capsules, kratom can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. Whether brewed into tea or added to your favorite beverage, this herbal tonic can be a soothing addition to your daily routine, helping to quiet the mind and foster a sense of serenity.

Practice Mindful Meditation:

  • Set aside time each day for mindful meditation to quiet the chatter of the mind and cultivate inner peace. Even just a few minutes of focused breathing can help reduce stress and promote mental clarity. Guided meditation apps and online resources offer valuable support for those new to meditation, providing structured sessions tailored to your needs. By centering your attention on the present moment, meditation enables you to let go of worries and anxieties, fostering a deep sense of tranquility.

Cultivate Positive Thinking:

  • Developing a positive mindset is key to nurturing peace of mind. Challenge negative thoughts by reframing them in a more positive light. Practicing gratitude and focusing on what you can control rather than dwelling on what you cannot can help shift your perspective and promote emotional well-being. By consciously choosing to focus on the good in life, you can create a more peaceful internal environment conducive to overall happiness and contentment.

Connect with Nature:

  • Spend time outdoors to reconnect with the natural world and rejuvenate your spirit. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting under a tree, immersing yourself in nature can have profound effects on your mental health. The sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors have a calming effect on the mind, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Make time each day to step outside and soak in the beauty of the world around you, allowing nature to restore peace to your soul.

Engage in Relaxing Activities:

  • Incorporate activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness into your daily life. Whether it’s reading a book, listening to soothing music, or practicing gentle yoga, finding moments of tranquility amid the busyness of life is essential for enhancing peace of mind. Carve out time each day to engage in activities that bring you joy and help you unwind, allowing yourself to fully embrace the present moment and experience inner peace.

By incorporating these five practices into your daily routine, you can cultivate a greater sense of peace and tranquility in your life. Remember that peace of mind is not a destination but a journey, and by prioritizing your mental well-being, you can create a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in these blog posts is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The use of any information provided in these blog posts is solely at your own risk. The authors and the website do not recommend or endorse any specific products, treatments, or procedures mentioned. Reliance on any information in these blog posts is solely at your own discretion.

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Unlocking Nature’s Secrets: The Rise of Kratom in the Cannabis Community



As a kratom and cannabis enthusiast, you’re always on the lookout for the latest and greatest products to enhance your experience. Well, get ready to add a new item to your shopping list because VGTNYC is introducing kratom powder to their inventory!

Starting at just $29.99 for 8oz, VGTNYC’s kratom powder is an affordable and high-quality option for those looking to explore the benefits of this natural herb. And the best part? Delivery is completely free! Say goodbye to the hassle of leaving your house and waiting in long dispensary lines – VGTNYC has got you covered.

But what exactly is kratom and why should you consider adding it to your routine? Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, known for its pain-relieving and mood-boosting properties. It has been used for centuries by locals as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments, including chronic pain, anxiety, and depression.

In recent years, kratom has gained popularity among the cannabis and alternative medicine communities in the United States. Its effects are similar to those of opioids, but without the risk of addiction or overdose. Kratom is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it a great addition to any wellness routine.

If you’re new to kratom, it’s important to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. VGTNYC’s kratom powder comes with clear instructions for dosage and use, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

But wait, there’s more! VGTNYC also offers a variety of other cannabis-related products, including CBD, HHC, and CBG. Whether you’re looking for pain relief, relaxation, or a mood boost, VGTNYC has the products to fulfill your needs.

And the best part? VGTNYC promises to fulfill all orders in under 1 hour. Say goodbye to long wait times and hello to fast and reliable service.

In conclusion, if you’re a kratom and cannabis consumer looking to enhance your experience, look no further than VGTNYC. With affordable prices, free delivery, and a variety of high-quality products, VGTNYC has everything you need to take your wellness routine to the next level. So what are you waiting for? Place your order today and experience the benefits of kratom for yourself. Weed delivery NYC

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in these blog posts is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The use of any information provided in these blog posts is solely at your own risk. The authors and the website do not recommend or endorse any specific products, treatments, or procedures mentioned. Reliance on any information in these blog posts is solely at your own discretion.

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Cannabis Legalization

UK Cannabis Legalisation – Where Are We in 2024?



In the evolving tapestry of global drug policy reform, the UK’s stance on cannabis legalisation remains a subject of considerable debate. As we approach the midway point of the 2020s, it is crucial to examine the nuanced progress and prevailing impediments that characterise the cannabis legalised UK landscape. Amid Europe’s second-largest market for medical cannabis, the nation continues to confront a labyrinth of regulatory hurdles and disparities that influence both patient access and industry development. Despite the advent of electronic prescriptions for medical cannabis UK law-compliant products, pivotal questions linger regarding the extent of prescriptive authority for General Practitioners. Moreover, the burgeoning role of industrial hemp in meeting environmental objectives further entrenches cannabis within a broader socio-economic context. Economic stressors, notably inflation and logistical bottlenecks, add layers of complexity to an already intricate CBD sector. Grasping the current state of affairs is essential for stakeholders keen on navigating the future trajectory of cannabis policy in the UK.

Context of Cannabis Legalisation in the UK Amidst Global Changes

As nations around the world continue to reform their cannabis policies, the United Kingdom observes and reacts to shifting paradigms that influence both perception and legislation of cannabis use. With countries like Germany making considerable strides towards a more liberal stance on cannabis, the UK’s position on cannabis legalisation remains a topic of robust debate and contemplation. Here we delve into the evolving landscape of cannabis legislation in Europe, emerging markets that impact the UK context, and comparisons with Germany’s policy approach.

Shift in European Cannabis Policies and Trade Dynamics

Recent years have witnessed a tangible shift towards a more progressive attitude regarding cannabis legalisation uk, with European neighbours like Germany signalling a broader movement towards normalisation and integration of cannabis into regularised frameworks. Such developments are poised to influence the dynamics of trade and policy within the UK, especially considering the critical role that Germany plays in setting precedents for liberalisation efforts. This shift, undeniably, prompts reconsideration of the current state of medical cannabis UK law.

Emerging Medical Cannabis Markets and Their Impact on the UK

The emergence of new medicinal cannabis markets within Europe, including potential frameworks being explored by Ukraine and France, offers an array of possibilities and challenges for the UK’s domestic cannabis industry. These burgeoning markets could serve as influential models and catalysts for change, suggesting that regulations surrounding cannabis legalised UK markets may feel a ripple effect. Such global movements emphasise the need for the UK to scrutinise and perhaps recalibrate its policy and market strategies to stay competitive and current.

Comparative Analysis with Germany’s Regulatory Landscape

Germany’s rapidly evolving approach to cannabis regulation, with its more lenient laws around home cultivation and possession, starkly contrasts with the UK’s relatively conservative stance. This juxtaposition brings to light the imperative for the UK to re-evaluate its regulatory approach amidst global changes. The pace at which cannabis legalisation is developing in Germany could serve as an influential benchmark for the UK as it navigates its own legal terrain on medical cannabis UK law and explores the possibilities of wider cannabis legalisation. This comparative lens underscores an evident divergence in direction and a call for potential adjustment within the UK’s cannabis policy outlook.

The Current State of UK Regulations and the Medicinal Cannabis Framework

In the sphere of British drug policy, the status of cannabis has long been a subject of contention and gradual shifts. As it stands, the country’s approach to cannabis legalisation in the UK remains cautious and splintered, despite the substance’s classification as a Class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act. Since the resurgence of this classification in 2007, the UK government has maintained a rigorous stance on possession and distribution, levying severe penalties against offenders. However, beneath the surface,, a significant dialogue is brewing, especially around medical Cannabis legalisation in the UK.

Since November 2018, medical cannabis has carved out a legal existence, yet its presence within the National Health Service has been minimal. For patients, this often translates into the pursuit of expensive private healthcare. The irony does not escape us that while the domestic framework for prescribing medical cannabis remains tight, the UK is recognised as a substantial exporter of medical Cannabis on the global stage. Political figures like London Mayor Sadiq Khan are taking note, advocating for a reassessment of current laws, which may signal a forthcoming alteration in policy. While scattered police forces are opting for softer approaches, such as diversion programs, the legal constructs surrounding Cannabis, particularly medical cannabis in the UK law, are unyielding, with explicit criteria for eligibility and a marked avoidance of inhaled formats.

The industry’s evolution, juxtaposed with the intricate legal nuances, highlights a broader story of incremental change. Regulatory authorities and stakeholders find themselves at a crossroads, balancing patient access against a well-entrenched legal frame. Although reluctant to embrace a fully-fledged cannabis legalised UK status, there is observable movement towards reassessment and reform. The medicinal cannabis framework thus remains rigid but is undeniably being drawn into increasing dialogue, scrutiny, and, potentially, evolution.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in these blog posts is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The use of any information provided in these blog posts is solely at your own risk. The authors and the website do not recommend or endorse any specific products, treatments, or procedures mentioned. Reliance on any information in these blog posts is solely at your own discretion.

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