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As cannabis has become more widely accepted and used, there are still many common questions and concerns people have in regards to how it can affect...
CBD has been lauded as a “cure-all” during the past several years, with many companies claiming to be able to help with every condition or problem....
When typical medications simply aren’t doing enough to manage their children’s symptoms, mothers like Jenni Mai are turning to medical marijuana for a more natural autism...
The CBD buzz finally got to you? Here’s everything you should know as a first-time CBD user. CBD is a buzzword these days. Everybody talks about...
Why are more companies launching product lines around low-dose cannabis? Find out in this video.
Does cannabis actually relieve stress? This video considers the stress relieving effects of cannabis as it interacts with our body’s stress reaction system: the hypothalamic pituitary...
Have you ever passed a smoke shop and wondered what “Kratom” was on their A-frame out front or what signage was in the window? The funny...
The first steps in growing cannabis is to germinate the seeds. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this.
Are you experiencing a dry, scratchy throat this winter? If so, there are many options available to help. Cannabis oils have been shown to be effective...
As California works to differentiate its cannabis industry with state certification of cannabis and appellations, Mary Beth Albright travels to Sonoma Hills Farm for a cannabis-and-food...