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One of the first known instances of humans using hemp dates back to over 10,000 years ago, when it was used in China to make fabrics,...
Putting out a cigarette can help you live longer. Studies show that the more cigarettes you smoke in your lifetime, the more likely you will develop...
As CBD’s popularity grows, so does the variety of products available. Uncertainty arises when it comes to whether or not a product’s CBD is derived from...
Perhaps you have enjoyed that lovely cup of hemp tea at your friends’ place and cant wait to make a cup of your own the way...
A lot of people are suffering from anxiety today. Hemp-derived CBD is becoming increasingly known as a treatment to alleviate anxiety and other mood disorders. Find...
Ever wondered how CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant? It’s actually a complex technique that’s both science and art. This video takes us through the...
There is an ever-increasing number of ways available to consume CBD with the most popular being CBD Oil. You can buy topical applications, vaporizers, oils, sweets,...